Author Topic: Overrated/Underrated  (Read 171 times)


« on: December 08, 2024, 12:06:06 pm »
Name one game that you feel is overrated and one game that is underrated. Remember that overrated doesn't mean bad and underrated doesn't necessarily mean masterpiece. 

Overrated - Half-Life 2 - This is a good game but too much has been made of it. I am a huge fan of the first one and was really excited for the 2nd one when it was released but even though I enjoyed it I felt like and still do feel like it was too influenced by Halo. Vehicle sections were always boring and weird me to with there being no hands on the steering wheel looking like the car or the boat is driving itself and a battle sections with NPC's helping you in a fight felt very forced. Good game with good level design but I actually prefer the first one.

Underrated - Sunset overdrive - Man no one played this game and I couldn't get any of my friends to play this game. I guess it was just too weird for most even though reviews were favorable. To me it felt like if you combined Dead Rising with the movement of Jet Grind Radio. I loved the super bright colors especially coming out of the gray scale 7th generation of games that they were known for. The flow of combat was a blast... literally. It's not a classic but if you want something different in your video game diet I highly recommend this weird, mindlessly fun underplayed gem.
My Collection is all Physical no Digital

Re: Overrated/Underrated
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2024, 12:26:26 pm »
Ahhh Sunset Overdrive.  What a deliciously great game.  The visuals, rail mechanics remind me if jet set radio and ratchet and clank had a baby.  It deserves a 2nd one.  I played it. It was my first XB1 game. And brought me into that generation with glory :)

I will answer this with the preface that these are solely my opinion. I respect what others like.


Overrated - Theirs many. Ocarina of time stands out.. OCARINA OF TIME to me. Is in the shadow by a large margin to even the contemporaries on its own console. Majoras mask was darker, grittier and had better plot
 Metacritic has it above EVERYTHING and thats pure nostalgia goggles.  It's graphics and exploration cant touch windwaker. Its battle and crafting system isnt even close to BOTW and it uses the n64 controller which is basically a hard plastic razor circle attarched to some forbidden boomerang.  Its not even top 5 Zelda games and that should be universally agreed upon but I guess im in the minority.  Theirs not one thing it does better than BOTW. Not one.

Anything Pokemon made after 2016

Underated - The game fracture for ps3 and 360.  Its so underrated nobody knows what it is. You raise the terrain to access new areas. You literally morph the dirt to form tamps and cover mid battle. It was truly ingenious. Always gonna shout it out. 

Also the game stray for ps5, loaded for ps1, state of Emergency for ps2 and crash team racing which has its cult following. But not like Mario Kart 64 does.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2024, 12:28:48 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »

Re: Overrated/Underrated
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2024, 03:35:55 pm »
Name one game that you feel is overrated and one game that is underrated. Remember that overrated doesn't mean bad and underrated doesn't necessarily mean masterpiece. 

Overrated - Half-Life 2 - This is a good game but too much has been made of it. I am a huge fan of the first one and was really excited for the 2nd one when it was released but even though I enjoyed it I felt like and still do feel like it was too influenced by Halo. Vehicle sections were always boring and weird me to with there being no hands on the steering wheel looking like the car or the boat is driving itself and a battle sections with NPC's helping you in a fight felt very forced. Good game with good level design but I actually prefer the first one.

Underrated - Sunset overdrive - Man no one played this game and I couldn't get any of my friends to play this game. I guess it was just too weird for most even though reviews were favorable. To me it felt like if you combined Dead Rising with the movement of Jet Grind Radio. I loved the super bright colors especially coming out of the gray scale 7th generation of games that they were known for. The flow of combat was a blast... literally. It's not a classic but if you want something different in your video game diet I highly recommend this weird, mindlessly fun underplayed gem.

Sunset Overdrive was an insanely underrated game.  When it came to PC, I picked it up and had a ton of fun with it.  Around that time was the first Spider-Man game on Playstation I believe and there were points where I was having just as much, if not more fun than Spider-Man with Sunset Overdrive.  I loved it enough, I got the physical release for it too just to show my love for it lol

Overrated - Gonna leave this blank for the moment till I think of one...

Underrated - Death Stranding - This might be a stretch because it is a successful and critically acclaimed game that is getting a sequel and movie, but I feel like a lot of people played the early 2 chapters of the game, which is kinda the weakest part of the experience and were like "This is neat and weird, but I'm good" and didn't get to the actual proper main game as that first area of the game is almost a tutorial zone that you spend 5 to 10 hours in before you get to the next area and then everything fully opens up.

Having recently replayed it in prep for the sequel, it just brings to the forefront on how good it is.  Yes it's weird and it's got too many cutscenes and most of the game is just walking places, but there's so much detail to the game, the intricacies to the actual walking part, there's a lot of options for traversal and ways to make deliveries easier, while dealing with the threats of Timefall rain and BT's and enemies that want your packages, all with this crazy, intense, story and super interesting characters.  The gameplay loop is also wildly addictive to me.

Re: Overrated/Underrated
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2024, 11:23:38 pm »
Overrated: Earthbound

I have tried multiple times over the last twenty years to get into this game and understand all the hype it receives in nearly every corner of the internet. There are people who seemingly worship this game and will tell you with a straight face it's the best JRPG of the 90s, or at least a top 5 RPG on the SNES. The game has some serious competition on the SNES, and it's hard to argue that Earthbound does anything better, or in some cases, even half as good as many of its rivals on that console. I always find this game boring, bland looking most of the time, pretentious, and just annoying. I feel like a group of people who really, really loved this game built up its mystique on message boards starting in the late 90s and into the 2000s, and by the time retro game collecting began to gain traction in the later part of the 2000s, this game's reputation as this amazing JRPG had outgrown the actual merits of of the game. Whenever I say this I always have a lot of people disagree with me, but I feel confident in calling it overrated given how many times I've genuinely tried to understand this game and its appeal, and failed each time.

Underrated: Resident Evil 6

There might be a better example I'm not thinking of, but in terms of games that get a ton of unwarranted hate and are often looked down upon (unjustly imo), it's hard to think of a better example than RE6. I actually expected to hate this game as much as 90% of most other people online when I first played it, but in the end I liked it more than even some older RE games I've played. Yeah, it's essentially what you'd get if Michael Bay directed an RE game, but for what it's worth, the game has a great story, excellent visuals, cool bosses and enemies, and pretty tight gameplay. There are some annoying aspects to the game and it's honestly a bit too long, but it's hard to fault it in many other ways.

Re: Overrated/Underrated
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2024, 11:27:22 pm »

Overrated - Half-Life 2 - This is a good game but too much has been made of it. I am a huge fan of the first one and was really excited for the 2nd one when it was released but even though I enjoyed it I felt like and still do feel like it was too influenced by Halo. Vehicle sections were always boring and weird me to with there being no hands on the steering wheel looking like the car or the boat is driving itself and a battle sections with NPC's helping you in a fight felt very forced. Good game with good level design but I actually prefer the first one.

I love HL2, however I will fully admit it's not a great sequel. In some ways it's almost like a reimagining of the first game, a sort of "what if" scenario that almost feels like it takes place in a parallel dimension. Other than several characters from HL1 and obviously the resonance cascade acting as a beacon for the Combine to invade earth, it's hard to see any sort of link between HL and HL2. With that said, I actually prefer HL2 by a fairly wide margin over the first game, but both are awesome in their own way.

Re: Overrated/Underrated
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2024, 01:27:29 pm »
Overrated: Fable(: The Lost Chapters).
Aside of the aesthetics, there is really nothing special about it. Just a mediocre action RPG even for the time. Releasing it in the same year as KOTOR II, years after Morrowind, Gothic or Deus Ex and still advertising it as revolutionary. It revolutionized nothing, at best it did its homework.

Underrated: Vanquish
A short, corny, but really entertaining game.