Exhibition of Speed Box Art
Exhibition of Speed Box Art
Exhibition of Speed Box Art

Exhibition of Speed

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Alt-Name E.O.S.
Release Type: Official Release
Developer(s): Player 1
Publisher(s): Titus
Platform: Sega Dreamcast [EU]
Genre: Racing
Rating: NA
Item Number: T-22903D-50
Barcode: 3417243254133
Release Date: May 18 2001
Description: NA
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
04-28-2020 tripredacus Barcode 3417243254133
04-28-2020 tripredacus Back Box Art new
04-28-2020 tripredacus Item Number T-22903D-50
05-30-2016 gerinoa Alt-Name E.O.S.
05-30-2016 gerinoa Name Exhibition of Speed
05-30-2016 gerinoa Publisher 1636
05-30-2016 gerinoa Developer 1344
05-29-2016 gerinoa Cart/Disc/Media Art new
05-29-2016 gerinoa Front Box Art new
05-08-2016 kerareaver Created

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eskyman Message
garotadreamcast Message
kerareaver Message
meringues Message
mmallet Message
pingo Message
slimey2k7 Message
wbvdb Message
wimvdb Message

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bvanvliet86 Message
derrjamie Message
kashra Message
rockstarshaun757 Message
theangrybadger Message
theangrybadgerscollection Message
yaboyflurry Message

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