Monster Party Box Art
Monster Party Box Art
Monster Party Box Art

Monster Party

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Estimated Value: $18.19 [via]
Alt-Name Parody World: Monster Party
Release Type: Official Release
Developer(s): Human Entertainment
Publisher(s): Bandai
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System [US]
Genre: Platformer
Rating: None
Item Number: NES-P1-USA
Barcode: 045557074005
Release Date: June 1989
Description: NA
Box Text: IT'S A SCREAM!
Walking home from a baseball game one evening, Mark gazed up at the misty sky. Suddenly, a blazing star plummeted to earth with a blinding light. When Mark regained his sight, a mysterious creature was standing before him. The creature told an eerie tale about his home planet, the Dark World, where evil monsters were terrorizing the helpless population. He was searching the galaxy for a warrior capable of freeing them from their terrible plight. The creature explained that Mark's bat was the perfect weapon for defeating the evil monsters. Mark considered the creature's proposal for a minute, then agreed to undertake the dangerous mission. After all, he thought, it sure beats going to school.
Date User Field Value
10-07-2016 aliensstudios Box Text IT'S A SCREAM! Walking home from a baseball game one evening, Mark gazed up at the misty sky. Suddenly, a blazing star plummeted to earth with a blinding light. When Mark regained his sight, a mysterious creature was standing before him. The creature told an eerie tale about his home planet, the Dark World, where evil monsters were terrorizing the helpless population. He was searching the galaxy for a warrior capable of freeing them from their terrible plight. The creature explained that Mark's bat was the perfect weapon for defeating the evil monsters. Mark considered the creature's proposal for a minute, then agreed to undertake the dangerous mission. After all, he thought, it sure beats going to school. GHOST LIST GIANT SPIDER PUMPKIN GHOST MAN-EATING PLANT CHAMELEON MAN GIANT DRAGON HAND CREATURE SNAKE MAN ?………….
10-07-2016 aliensstudios Rating 9
08-08-2014 critter7405 Barcode 045557074005
06-24-2014 Alt-Name Parody World: Monster Party
10-27-2011 Cart/Disc/Media Art new
10-27-2011 Item Number NES-P1-USA
10-27-2011 Genre 17
NA NA Created

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