Wolverine Box Art
Wolverine Box Art
Wolverine Box Art


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Estimated Value: $19.99 [via PriceCharting.com]
Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Developer(s): Software Creations
Publisher(s): LJN
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System [US]
Genre: Action
Rating: NA
Item Number: NES-9W-USA
Barcode: NA
Release Date: October 1991
Description: The player controls Wolverine, who has been imprisoned on a vast island, through various stages, into a final battle against evil mutants Magneto and Sabretooth. Along with icons to restore health, or to gain extra lives, special icons can be located to allow other X-Men characters, such as Jubilee, Havok, and Psylocke to offer advice or temporary aid.
Wolverine's basic moves are jumping, ducking, punching, and kicking. He can bring out his legendary powerful claws with a push of the "Select" button, but every time the claws are used his energy is depleted. Energy is regained by consuming food and beverages, such as hamburgers and soft drinks. If you kill enough minor characters, Wolverine will temporarily shift into a "Berzerker" mode.
Unlike many other NES games, where the player character is given a grace period of invulnerability after sustaining damage, Wolverine's energy is simply drained for as long as he is in contact with an enemy or hazard. Another difference is the fact that at the end of a level, except for the final one, there is no boss to defeat and no effort is made to explain how the indoor and outdoor themed levels manage to fit onto an uncharted island. -- Wikipedia.org
Box Text: Stranded on a remote, deserted island by his arch enemies, Sabretooth and Magneto, Marvel Comics' Wolverine must fight the battle of his life. Super-human powers, including regenerative healing abilities, an indestructible Adamantium skeleton and retractable razor sharp claws that slice through anything, make Wolverine a terrifying adversary... but has he finally met his match? Lead Wolverine in this world-class struggle against Sabretooth and the evil genius, Magneto. In the heat of battle, fellow X-Men Havok, Jubilee and Psylocke come to your side helping even out the score.

To survive, you must complete 9 missions, including The Battle for the Skies, Trial by Fire, Trial by Water, The Dungeon of Traps, and The Land of Nightmares, until, at long last, you face your ultimate foes.

Prepare for the most exciting and unpredictable X-Men adventure of them all!
Date User Field Value
04-07-2012 johnnyonthespot Back Box Art new
04-07-2012 johnnyonthespot Front Box Art new
04-07-2012 johnnyonthespot Description The player controls Wolverine, who has been imprisoned on a vast island, through various stages, into a final battle against evil mutants Magneto and Sabretooth. Along with icons to restore health, or to gain extra lives, special icons can be located to allow other X-Men characters, such as Jubilee, Havok, and Psylocke to offer advice or temporary aid. Wolverine's basic moves are jumping, ducking, punching, and kicking. He can bring out his legendary powerful claws with a push of the "Select" button, but every time the claws are used his energy is depleted. Energy is regained by consuming food and beverages, such as hamburgers and soft drinks. If you kill enough minor characters, Wolverine will temporarily shift into a "Berzerker" mode. Unlike many other NES games, where the player character is given a grace period of invulnerability after sustaining damage, Wolverine's energy is simply drained for as long as he is in contact with an enemy or hazard. Another difference is the fact that at the end of a level, except for the final one, there is no boss to defeat and no effort is made to explain how the indoor and outdoor themed levels manage to fit onto an uncharted island. -- Wikipedia.org
04-07-2012 johnnyonthespot Box Text Stranded on a remote, deserted island by his arch enemies, Sabretooth and Magneto, Marvel Comics' Wolverine must fight the battle of his life. Super-human powers, including regenerative healing abilities, an indestructible Adamantium skeleton and retractable razor sharp claws that slice through anything, make Wolverine a terrifying adversary... but has he finally met his match? Lead Wolverine in this world-class struggle against Sabretooth and the evil genius, Magneto. In the heat of battle, fellow X-Men Havok, Jubilee and Psylocke come to your side helping even out the score. To survive, you must complete 9 missions, including The Battle for the Skies, Trial by Fire, Trial by Water, The Dungeon of Traps, and The Land of Nightmares, until, at long last, you face your ultimate foes. Prepare for the most exciting and unpredictable X-Men adventure of them all!
10-29-2011 Cart/Disc/Media Art new
10-29-2011 Item Number NES-9W-USA
10-29-2011 Genre 1
10-29-2011 Publisher 97
10-29-2011 Developer 579
10-24-2011 Cart/Disc/Media Art new
NA NA Created

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