Hudson Hawk Box Art
Hudson Hawk Box Art
Hudson Hawk Box Art

Hudson Hawk

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Estimated Value: $12.32 [via]
Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Developer(s): Magic Pockets
Publisher(s): Sony Imagesoft
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System [US]
Genre: Platformer
Rating: None
Item Number: NES-Y4-USA
Barcode: 090451104037
Release Date: February 1 1992
Description: NA
Box Text: Eddie Hawkins, a.k.a. The Hudson Hawk, is called the world's greatest cat burglar, but he's called it quits. Some others, though, aren't ready for the Hawk to retire. They blackmail him into stealing priceless works by Leonardo da Vinci from a heavily guarded auction house and from the Vatican itself! The job has Hawk dodging bullets and guard dogs, thwarting sophisticated security systems, dangling from rooftops and crawling through booby-trapped ventilation shafts. And if Hawk makes it out alive? Well maybe he can turn the tables on his blackmailers. Because they aren't just art collectors, they have a plot to rule the world! But if Hawk can break into their lair, he just might be able to steal the one object that can stop them. The Hudson Hawk? Saving the world? It's a dirty job, but hey, somebody's got to do it!
Date User Field Value
11-17-2012 exonerator Cart/Disc/Media Art new
11-17-2012 exonerator Back Box Art new
11-17-2012 exonerator Front Box Art new
11-17-2012 exonerator Box Text Eddie Hawkins, a.k.a. The Hudson Hawk, is called the world's greatest cat burglar, but he's called it quits. Some others, though, aren't ready for the Hawk to retire. They blackmail him into stealing priceless works by Leonardo da Vinci from a heavily guarded auction house and from the Vatican itself! The job has Hawk dodging bullets and guard dogs, thwarting sophisticated security systems, dangling from rooftops and crawling through booby-trapped ventilation shafts. And if Hawk makes it out alive? Well maybe he can turn the tables on his blackmailers. Because they aren't just art collectors, they have a plot to rule the world! But if Hawk can break into their lair, he just might be able to steal the one object that can stop them. The Hudson Hawk? Saving the world? It's a dirty job, but hey, somebody's got to do it!
11-17-2012 exonerator Barcode 090451104037
11-17-2012 exonerator Item Number NES-Y4-USA
11-17-2012 exonerator Release Date - Year 1992
11-17-2012 exonerator Release Date - Day 1
11-17-2012 exonerator Rating 9
11-17-2012 exonerator Genre 17
11-17-2012 exonerator Developer 2279
NA NA Created

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