Road Rash (jewel case / ESRB T) Box Art
Road Rash (jewel case / ESRB T) Box Art

Road Rash (jewel case / ESRB T)

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Developer(s): NA
Publisher(s): Electronic Arts
Platform: PlayStation [NA]
Genre: Racing
Rating: ESRB - T (US / Canada)
Item Number: SLUS-00035
Barcode: 014633075946
Release Date: NA
Description: NA

It's not a game, it's a way of life. Road Rash for the PlayStation game console mashes no-holds-barred motorcycle combat racing and the hottest alternative bands to deliver the hardest-hitting action around. You've got only one objective- WIN at all costs. Lucky for you there are only 3 options-

Date User Field Value
07-14-2023 BinaryMessiah Publisher 14
09-07-2021 dhaabi Name Road Rash (jewel case / ESRB T)
09-07-2021 dhaabi Name Road Rash (jewel case / ESRB T)
02-01-2018 tripredacus Description
02-01-2018 tripredacus Box Text SUPERBIKES, HEAVY METAL AND A BASEBALL BAT. WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED? It's not a game, it's a way of life. Road Rash for the PlayStation game console mashes no-holds-barred motorcycle combat racing and the hottest alternative bands to deliver the hardest-hitting action around. You've got only one objective- WIN at all costs. Lucky for you there are only 3 options- LEAD, FOLLOW, OR BECOME ROAD-KILL.
02-01-2018 tripredacus Name Road Rash (ESRB T)
05-12-2012 marvelsofindustry Description There are 2 versions of this release of Road Rash; one rated K-A, which matches the rating on the Longbox version, and the other with a T rating,which matches the rating on the Greatest Hits version.
05-12-2012 marvelsofindustry Barcode 014633075946
05-12-2012 marvelsofindustry Box Text SUPERBIKES, HEAVY METAL AND A BASEBALL BAT. WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED? It's not a game, it's a way of life. Road Rash for the PlayStation game console mashes no-holds-barred motorcycle combat racing and the hottest alternative bands to deliver the hardest-hitting action around. You've got only one objective- WIN at all costs. Lucky for you there are only 3 options- LEAD, FOLLOW, OR BECOME ROAD-KILL.
05-12-2012 marvelsofindustry Genre 10
05-12-2012 marvelsofindustry Rating 4
05-12-2012 marvelsofindustry Name Road Rash (T-Rated ESRB Variant)
NA NA Created

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